Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Morning Comic Review: X-men #1 by Brian Wood & Oliver Coipel

Because no one demanded it!

What? You don't like the time displaced original x-men in All New X-men? You don't like the borderline villain x-men in Uncanny X-men? The fun and pure joy of Wolverine and the X-men not good enough for you? Neither Cable and x-force or Uncanny X-force doing it for you? Well now there is a title just for you! It features characters you can already read about in all those other books! And get this it is a team made up of all WOMEN!


The good: The book is pretty as hell. Seriously Coipel is at the top of his game. I can't wait for the three whole issues he's doing before there is a fill in! Also Rogue does not call a single person "Sugah," so...there is that.

The Bad: Pretty much everything else. I mean John Sublime? Who cares. John Sublime tracks Jubilee from Bulgaria to NYC via commercial airline because he does not have time to get a private jet. Gets to Grand Central Station, and for some reason cannot discern where young Jubilee is headed...because y'know, where the hell would a former x-man in Grand Central be headed? You know what he does? He goes to the payphone that jubilee just used AND HITS REDIAL BECAUSE THAT IS SOMETHING THAT EXISTS ON PAYPHONES. This guy who has been around since the start of life on earth could not figure out she was heading to Westchester from a train station that exclusively travels north. Oh, and Captain i cannot wait for a private jet from Bulgaria somehow charters a helicopter to take him from Grand Central to Westchester faster than the Metro North Train.

Essentially Brian Wood is phoning it in. Much like his Ultimate X-men, this is nonsensical, kinda scattershot, and boring as hell. It is pretty much a waste of Coipel's talents. Wood is always best when he is creating something he is passionate about. I think he's burned out on X characters. You think he'd at least be passionate about a paycheck.

Oh, and the Manara variant cover is fantastic. Except that they allowed the stupid "Marvel Now" red bar across the bottom which a)obscures the art on a goddamn Milo Manara piece and b)none of the other Manara covers published over the last month or so have this graphic design flaw. Pretty sure someone should be fired for that alone.

*(Public reason: It would be disrespectful to the characters to classify them purely by gender. [Although they juuuust released an x-women tpb by milo manara. And really they could have called it XX-Men]).

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